
  • Fabric Upholstery: Specific upholstery cleaners.
  • Leather Upholstery: Leather cleaners and conditioners.
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  • Regular Painting: Use mild shampoos and high-quality waxes.
  • Dark Painting: Choose specific products to enhance shine.
  • Products with UV protection for paintings exposed to the sun.
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Outdoor Plastics

  • Products with UV protection for paintings exposed to the sun.
  • Moisturizers for external plastics.
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Wheels and Tires

  • Alloy Wheels: Specialized cleaning.
  • Tires: Products to enhance shine and protect against wear.
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Glass and Transparent Surfaces

  • Effective window cleaners for maximum visibility.

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Regular Maintenance

  • Maintenance Shampoo: For frequent cleaning without removing wax
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Specific Needs

  • Specialized products for difficult stains, odors, etc.
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Accessories & Protective Equipment

  • Specialized products to facilitate cleaning
  • Protective equipment
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